Sunday, May 17, 2009

Roads, where we're going......aww crap.

Fellow Back to the Future fans and Doctor Who fans should be proud.

Two of my favorite time traveling vehicles is featured today at as a t-shirt.

As a result, I couldn't resist and bought one for myself. If you want one it's going to cost you $10 shipped for today only. If it sells out you can buy it the next day but at $15. So hurry and get yours before time runs out (ok cheesy but, hey it seemed appropriate)

Click Here for Shirt!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A new video I made with my friends.......

Just something silly I did on my free time

So my latest haul....

Ok, well it's not my latest but it one of the biggest I have ever made.

Bought some more stuff in just this week alone so will show that once I get everything.

If anyone is interested, I would be willing to provide some reviews on the DVDs and whatever else I may happen to get.

Happy collecting!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Well....out with the old, in with the new

So apparently, I deleted my old gmail account unknowingly which in turn had deleted my previous site, sighswithfries.blogspot.

O well, the thing was new and I hadn't updated it much so why not just create another. This one im calling Time Scoop!